Automating Imports

If you work with more than a few projects that import from a common project, you may want to automate importing from that project. Automating imports can be as simple as scheduling this command: madbuild.exe -project “c:\example\example.flprj” -target “build-for-import.fltar”  How does that work? Isn’t madbuild.exe for generating output content? Yes. But some other things happen… Continue reading Automating Imports

Create a Java Application That Uses Flare HTML5 Help

This post describes the creation of a simple Java application and Flare project and HTML5 output to demonstrate opening a Flare HTML5 help topic with a button click or an F1 keypress from a Java application. This is a “hello world” level example. Downloads: Zipped (Flare-style) Flare project for test HTML5 help Zipped copy of… Continue reading Create a Java Application That Uses Flare HTML5 Help

Clear a Flare HTML5 Search Field with the Escape Key

If you want the search field in Flare HTML5 output to clear when escape is pressed, add the following to the toolbar JavaScript. window.onload = function() { $(“#search-field”).keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { $(“#search-field”).val(“”); } }); } If there is already a window.onload assignment, just add the inner part to the existing assignment.… Continue reading Clear a Flare HTML5 Search Field with the Escape Key

Snippet Parameterization for Flare HTML5 Output Using AngularJS

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do this with snippets? This is content in a snippet. Every time this snippet is used, the content is the same except for here: x This is content in a snippet. Every time this snippet is used, the content is the same except for here: y This… Continue reading Snippet Parameterization for Flare HTML5 Output Using AngularJS

Embellishing the jQuery Slides with Fade Effects

If you saw yesterday’s post, you may have asked, why include the function that does nothing in the parameters for the calls to slideUp() and slideDown()? For yesterday’s example, there is no good reason. The functions will work with no parameters. The first parameter passed is duration. Slow is a nice speed. According to slideUp()… Continue reading Embellishing the jQuery Slides with Fade Effects

Show and Hide with jQuery in HTML5 Output

MadCap Flare includes some show-and-hide controls for web-based outputs such as Togglers and Expanding Text. This blog has explored some alternatives for show-and-hide in the context of condition tags. Here is another option which uses jQuery to expand and collapse an element with a sliding animation. Sliding show-and-hide actions are simple tasks with jQuery. Two such functions… Continue reading Show and Hide with jQuery in HTML5 Output

Hide Some Flare HTML5 Output Glossary Tab Entries

This example uses JavaScript, JSON, and jQuery. In a response to a forum post, I suggested a rules-based approach to removing plural terms from the Glossary tab in Flare HTML5 output. The sample I provided tackled a few common English rules. Rules-based Example to Remove Glossary Tab Entries with JavaScript Rules are one way to… Continue reading Hide Some Flare HTML5 Output Glossary Tab Entries